all about us
About Conversational Cocktails

Conversational Cocktails is all about bringing the luxury experience to your home and events. We offer monthly cocktail kits, virtual classes (in person case by case basis) and customized cocktails for all of your event needs. We specialize in developing cocktails that match your theme, personality or preference exactly.

Conversational Cocktails was developed in January 2022 by our Owner & CEO, Courtney Bridges, to help everyone have a luxury and unique cocktail experience regardless of the environment.

Join us in the conversation and grab your cocktail kit today!

CEO & Owner
Courtney Bridges

Courtney Bridges (aka C. Bridges) has always loved a cocktail that was unique in nature. During the pandemic years with all the bars closed, C. Bridges decided to learn how to make her favorite cocktails at home. The more she got into mixing flavors, she started to discover the love she had for the different flavor creations being made.

Becoming a liquid chef and licensed bartender, allowed for her to move forward in her creations. She self-published her first cocktail book in 2022 on Amazon to share wonderful recipes she developed at home that can not be found in any place in the world. Being a beginner in the mixology world, she wanted to bring the same excitement and flavors to everyone’s homes.

Conversational Cocktails, the company, idea came after the book was published. She strives to bring all those that love cocktails new recipes and confidence to mix new flavors to impress their guests.